An Apple Watch app designed to assist ultra-marathon runners in the challenging situations they face. The prototype was created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The key features of this product are ensuring the runner's safety, reminding them of meals, salt, and water intake based on their body weight. It also provides information on finding food, contacting medical care, guidance to finish the race, and weather reports.


In the design process of creating Ultrafree, we began with the idea of solving the problems faced by ultra-marathon runners. The prototype was initially created in Sketch. I started by selecting a color palette, then focused on creating the prototype with an emphasis on simplicity and clarity by using simple buttons that don't take up too much space. The prototype was then tested to ensure that users understood the interface. After gathering feedback, changes were made through an iterative process.


A video prototype was created to demonstrate the design context and the role Ultrafree would play for the user group. This prototype was developed at an early stage in the process.


In urgent situations, context becomes even more important. To understand the user's problem, it's essential to immerse oneself in the situations the user may encounter. When it comes to emergencies, sharing the end user's context is crucial to creating the best possible product.